







ransack 荒らす
master's student 大学院生
stay-at-home father 専業主夫
subconsciously 潜在的
staunch 忠実な
unsubstantiate 実証されていない
conservative 保守派
by trade 職業的に
radical 過激な
catapult 突然~にする・放り出す
socialism 社会主義
communism 共産主義
footnote  脚注
astound びっくり仰天させる
coddle 甘やかす
irritate 怒らせる
lackadaisical ぼんやりした
excruciating ひどい





Simon grew up in Uganda during its civil war and became a US citizen last year. A master's student and stay-at-home father, he warns that, while things may settle down, "democracy is not guaranteed".



Taylor is a staunch Trump supporter and recently travelled to Washington DC for a post-election pro-Trump rally. A photographer by trade, she was upset by the rioting but believes unsubstantiated claims that left-wing radicals were behind the violence.



James is a lifelong Republican who worked on Capitol Hill for the party for nearly two decades, but cast his first ever vote for a Democrat in the 2020 election. He was stunned by 6 January's events and expects it to become a bad footnote in the country's history.


A'Kayla is a college student who supports the Black Lives Matter movement. She says law enforcement "coddled" the rioters at the Capitol and thus made an argument for police reform because they were far more aggressive at protests she attended.

カイラはBlack Lives Matter運動をサポートする大学生だ。法執行機関は暴動を”甘やかし”、彼女が参加する抗議運動に対しより攻撃的だったために警察組織改革の議論となったと話す。

