






 foot-long 1フィートのホットドッグ

intimidate 驚かすほどの

hoolhardy 無謀な

apartheid 人種隔離制度

segregation 人種差別

supremacist 至上主義

loaves パン(複数形)

polony ボロニアソーセージ

scarce 乏しい

fondly 愛情込めて

ingest 飲み込む

jar ショックを与える

gentrify 上品にする



People queue under the bright green and yellow menu boards, leaving with plastic bags containing their lunch. For most, it’s long, bulky packages wrapped in paper: the famous Gatsby sandwich.



When they returned, he gathered up what he had: “There were some chips left, one of the round Portuguese loaves… there was no fish, but I saw the polony [sliced meat, similar to bologna]. I heated up the chips, I heated up the polony, put some of the homemade atchar [pickle] on top of it and cut it into wedges… And the one guy, Froggy, that was his name, Froggy, he told me, ‘Laanie, it’s a smash, it’s a Gatsby smash!’.”

彼らが戻ってきた時、パンディーは持っているものをかき集めた。「そこにはいくつかのポテトチップスと、丸いポルトガル式のパン、魚は無く、しかしボロニアソーセージを見つけた。ポテトチップスを温め、ボロニアソーセージを温め、atchar という手製ピクルスを乗せて、楔形に切った。一人の男性、フロッギーは私に”天才だ。衝撃、ギャッツビーの衝撃!”と言った。」


“[South African takeaways] are all about apartheid in the hospitality industry, in so far as they are about black people not being allowed to eat inside the restaurant. You needed a way of taking the food away,” explained anthropologist and food writer Dr Anna Trapido (who noted that another possible origin of the Gatsby name was that the loaf resembled Robert Redford’s hat in the film).



