







embark 開始する
convert 変わる
undertake お約束
fraction 一部
ruminate 思いめぐらす
towpath 土手の道
atop ~の上に
hence それゆえに
unparalleled 無類の、無比の
foreseeable 予見できる
utilitarian 実用的な
marvel ~であることに驚く
pivotal とても重要な
toll 通行料
expansion 広がり
abolitionist 奴隷廃止論者
simplicity 単純さ
dehydrated 乾燥させた
purifier 浄化装置
eschew 控える
moose ヘラジカ
skirt 囲む、端を通る
fringe 周辺
temperate 穏やかな
burgeon 急増する、発展する



Ryan Gardill used to love backpacking. Getting into the outdoors and covering ground was one of the Lancaster, Pennsylvania, native’s favourite things to do.



The Great American Rail-Trail is the most ambitious biking initiative the country has ever seen. 


The trail is largely built atop or next to abandoned railway lines (hence the name) with surfaces ranging from crushed stone to smooth asphalt. 



Yet, the vision for the coast-to-coast trail isn’t just utilitarian; it’s a way to reveal how the US’ diverse tapestry of communities fit together, and how the country’s past connects to its present.



There, hikers and cyclists can overnight at a series of 19th-Century lockhouses along the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, an Industrial Revolution marvel that played a pivotal role in providing troops’ supplies during the US Civil War. 



For those heading west, the trail passes through the heart of Ohio’s Swartzentruber Amish country, a community that completely eschews modern technology and continues to speak Pennsylvania German as their first language.



“When people are out on a bike trip, it’s important they have some down time. I think Perry is a great place to stop and have a beer or a meal and relax,” added Peterson.



“Riding this trail has shown me that America is filled with the kindest people you can hope to meet,” he said. “You are always only a few miles from a good meal and a conversation.”


