






span 橋渡しする
standstill 行き詰まり
disarray 乱雑
stint 節約
tumble 暴落する
terrain 地形
impurity 不純物
pesticide 殺虫剤
solvent 溶剤
molecule 微量
rotate 回す
buzz 振動する
wobble 傾ける
contaminate 汚染された


Who would harvest the crops? Who would run the processing plants? How could spices be taken to ports so they could be sent on to buyers abroad? And who would check the goods for safety?



Not only does the country have a rich history of growing spices, but its varied climate and terrain are known to produce particularly fragrant crops.



“Demand for our spices increased 15% in April and May,” says Viju Jacob, managing director of Synthite Industries, one of India’s biggest processors of ground spices and oleoresins – concentrated flavours and aromas extracted from spices and used by food manufacturers.

「4月と5月でスパイスの需要は15%増加した。」挽きスパイス、オレオレジンー食品加工で使われる凝縮した香りとスパイスから抽出したアロマーを製造するインド最大の向上の1つであるSynthiteの管理監督であるViju Jacobは述べる。


“We need to have a clear 100% perfect product,” Viju says. “We have to have a thorough checking on the raw material, what is the quality, what is the pesticide, what is the industrial solvent – everything has to be checked.”



With inspectors less able to do these checks in person, other quality-control processes, such as the technologies that Synthite employs, have become even more important.

人的チェックを行う検査員の欠員により、Synthite が利用する技術のような品質管理工程がいっそう重要になっている。


Whether its benefits will reach farmers is still to be seen, but new technology could at least create a more transparent chain where trustworthy traders are rewarded.


