






theatrical 劇的な
immaculate 完璧な
garrison 駐屯兵
coup 予期しないこと
rail against ~をののしる
berate 叱る
submissiveness 服従
drown out  ~をかき消す
jeer あざけり
macho 男らしい
provocative 挑発的な
akin 同類
posturing 見せかけ
Diet 国会
overshadow 影を落とす
exhibitionistic 自己顕示欲の強い
despairing 絶望的な
gruesome ぞっとするような
farce 茶番
contrive 企てる
mediocrity 平凡
captive 監禁
confine 制限する
fixation 固着
straightforward 率直な、わかりやすい
deviance 逸脱
entwine 絡み合う
steer 向ける、導く
sensuously 官能的に
conspriction 徴兵制
imminent 差し迫った
transient つかの間の
cusp 尖端
mingle with ~と混ざる
admiration 賞賛、敬服
frail 壊れやすい
demise 終結
exquisite 素晴らしい、強烈な
slippery つかみにくい
interplay 交錯
masterful 堂々とした
manipulation ごまかし
wisp かすかな
deniability 否認権
decadent 退廃的な
discipline 訓練された
prolific 多産の
churn out かき回す
ream たくさん
alongside 並行して
ingratiating 愛想のよい
suggestively 連想させる
vein 特質
acolyte 見習い
cleave 割れる
depiction 描写
rationale 理論的根拠
distill 抽出する
corrod むしばむ
paucity 欠乏
materiality 物質
belatedly 遅れて
acutely 鋭く
hideous 不愉快な
choreograph 振付する
culmination 最高潮
tetralogy 四部作
frantic 狂わんばかりの
ascendance 支配
annihilation 完敗、全滅
reincarnation 転生、生まれ変わり


He railed against the US-backed state and constitution, berated the soldiers for their submissiveness and challenged them to return the Emperor to his pre-war position as living god and national leader. 



“A few people on the political right saw his death as a patriotic gesture of protest against present-day Japan. Others believed that it was a despairing, gruesome farce contrived by a talented man who had been an enfant terrible and who could not bear to live on into middle age and mediocrity.” 

「一部の政治的権利を持つ人間は、彼の死に現在の日本に対する抗議の愛国の意志表示だと見ていた。その他は、絶望的で、ぞっとするような茶番を「enfant terrible (恐るべき子ども)」であり、平凡な中年の生に耐えられなかった著名な彼によって企てられたのだと信じた。」


Much of Mishima’s writing seems to cleave to this belief absolutely, with its formal, almost traditional style focusing on intensely sensual description above all else. 



“In my case, words came first of all; then – belatedly, with every appearance of extreme reluctance, and already clothed in concepts – came the flesh. It was already, as goes without saying, sadly wasted by words.” He sought to rebalance himself and revived an old Samurai concept, the “harmony of pen and sword”. 



In a letter dated 18 November, 1970, to a mentor of his, Fumio Kiyomizu, Mishima wrote, “To me, finishing this [book] is nothing more than the end of the world.” 


