







crinoline クリノリン
bonnet ボンネット
dainty 優美な
weave one's way 縫うように進む
bough 大枝
glint off 反射する
dome 丸屋根
samovar サモワール
swirl 渦巻く
medieval 中世の
conflence 合流した川
orchard 果樹園
froth 泡のような
spill over こぼす
palisade 手すり
comparison 類似
ethereal 微妙な
fluffy 柔らかい
proclaime 宣言する、示す
put paid to  駄目にする、つぶす
decay 朽ちる
intrigue 好奇心をそそる
vague あいまいな
confectionery 菓子店
undeterred 懲りない
intangible 触れることのできない、実体のない
ephemeral つかのまの
elusive 達成困難な
braid 3つ編み
instigate 開始する
clutch 小集団
reinvest 再投資する
paean 賛歌
connotation 内包
diary entry  日記の内容





The setting for this garden cafe is the medieval town of Kolomna, which lies 113km south-east of Moscow in a picturesque location at the confluence of three rivers.



Pastila, pronounced with the stress on the final “a”, was first mentioned in the 16th-Century Russian Domostroi (Domestic Order), a codex of household rules and instructions on various religious, social and domestic matters.


It is made by baking apples until they are soft, then blending them into a purée before whipping them “into clouds” with egg whites and sugar. 



The mixture is spread out onto trays to a depth of about 2cm, then dried in a cool oven before being cut into strips or shapes. 



The story of the town’s revival goes back to 2008, when Kolomna hosted the European Speed Skating Championships. 



The Russian State Library turned up several recipes from its archives, all of them involving oven-baked apples, beaten egg whites and honey or sugar. 



But with patience and much experimentation, they finally came up with a satisfactory formula for baking, whipping and drying the mixture. 



Undeterred, they simply set up their own factory in premises leased from the council, commissioning specially designed equipment based on archive sketches of old machinery.



As work progressed, their research at the State Library continued to uncover anecdotes and diary entries associating pastila with Catherine the Great, Pushkin, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, among other famous people and events.



Nikitina, whose creative vision drove the enterprise, sensed that people wanted not just to taste the product, but to understand its heritage. 



Ever curious to learn more about the town’s heritage, Nikitina also found historical references to a traditional type of bread bun called a kalach, made from dough that is twisted or braided so that each bun has its own handle.



In addition to the collection, there will be a “fruit forest” and an experimental and educational garden, which among other things will provide edible flowers that can be sold to local restaurants.



In a diary entry from 1876 he wrote: “I’m not sure how all this will happen, but it will happen; there will be an Orchard. Mark my words: though it be a hundred years from now […] Humanity will be renewed in the Orchard, and the Orchard will restore it – that is the formula.”


